Monday, January 24, 2011

I Am Barabbas

"And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.  And the earth shook, and the rocks were split." Matthew 27:51

As I read through the events that occur in chapter 27 of the book of Matthew, I sit in amazement.  I am overwhelmed with all that Christ endured to pay the incredible price for my redemption.  He suffered and bled, he was beaten and bruised, and He was stripped and spat upon.  The Son of God, the Lord of all things, the Word of Life was brutally killed to reconcile our relationship with God.

When I look at the circumstances that led to Christ's death, I am always struck by the scene where Pilate offers to release a prisoner to the people, as was the yearly custom.  He orders them to haul Barabbas out of his prison and gives t ! he crowd the option of either showing mercy to Barabbas, who had committed horrible crimes, or Jesus, who was innocent of any crime.  I cannot help but consider the idea that Barabbas represents me.  And awful, sin-sick murderer was placed next to the perfect, holy Lamb of God, and Barabbas was allowed to go free while Christ was taken to His execution.  It should have been me.  I am the one who deserves death.

But God, in His infinite grace and mercy, provided His sinless Son as a sacrifice on my behalf.  And as Christ completed this selfless act, the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom.  The barrier between us and the Holy of Holies was removed so that through Christ's work on the cross, we can have forgiveness, life more abundant, and eternity with Him.  I stand in awe of the love and power of the Living Lord that I serve.  Praise be to God for this indescribable gift!

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